The SDAM project

SDAM stands for Social Dynamics and complexity in the Ancient Mediterranean, which is a research group at the School of Culture and Society at Aarhus University (AU).

_images/sdam_logo2.png _images/sdam_logo.png _images/AUlogo.png


The two mains outputs of this project are expected to be

  • A comparative study of proxies for evolution of social complexity in the Ancient Mediterranean.

  • Digital tools, workflows and processes that scale and that historians and archaeologists can use in their own research.

R package sdam


The R package “sdam” provides tools for performing analyses within Social Dynamics and complexity in the Ancient Mediterranean (SDAM) project.

Currently, it is possible with sdam to access data from the Epigraphic Database Heidelberg API with get.edh(), and the wrapper function get.edhw() as well. Most of the data is available in the dataset attached to the package, which is called EDH.

For applications of these functions and use of this dataset:

Besides, the request() function allows performing different types of HTTP requests to a cloud repository like DEiC’S or another customized URL address.

Similarity by simple matching among column vectors is achieved by the simil() function in order to make analyses of assemblages or artifacts. Note that this latter function still under early development.

See also

Package multigraph. Versions: [CRAN], [GitHub].

Package multiplex. Versions: [CRAN], [GitHub].


You can install the sdam package from these GitHub repositories using the R console or RStudio if you wish.

# install beta version
R> devtools::install_github("mplex/cedhar", subdir="pkg/sdam")


# install release candidate
R> devtools::install_github("sdam-au/sdam")


Don’t forget to uninstall the package before installing it with another version.



Package assembly workflow

Making Documentation


Making Documentation workflow


  • EDH: Epigraphic Database Heidelberg

  • rp: Roman provinces

  • rpmcd: Caption maps and affiliation dates of Roman provinces

  • rpmp: Maps of ancient Roman provinces and Italian regions

  • retn: Roman Empire transport network

  • rpd: Roman provinces dates from EDH

News from sdam package

  • Version 0.7.0 released (20-09-2021).

    • New dataset rpd

    • rpmcd dataset is updated.

  • Version 0.6.0 released (02-08-2021).

    • New function. cln() and retn dataset.

  • Version 0.5.0 released (19-04-2021).

    • rpmcd dataset is updated.

  • Version 0.4.0 released (around March 2021).

    • New functions, dts() and cln(), and datasets rpm and rpmcd

  • Version 0.3.0 released (21-11-2020).
    • New functions plot.dates() and prex() (cf. )

    • rp dataset is added (v0.3.7)

    • Function edhw() combines "people" with other EDH variables

    • Arguments select, clean, province, gender added to edhw()

    • Argument maxlimit added to get.edh()

    • Argument authenticate in request() renamed to anonymous

  • Version 0.2.0 released (19-5-2020).
    • New function edhw() to extract fragments of the EDH dataset

    • Arguments force and rm.file added to request()

  • Version 0.1.0 released (6-5-2020).
    • First functions get.edh(), get.edhw(), request(), simil(), and EDH dataset